Saturday, January 25, 2014

Why Blog?

Social Media and the internet play a vital role in our lives today. Almost all businesses and organization utilize the internet in some way or form. Being a double major in management and marketing, the class Marketing on the Internet has caught my attention 2 semesters ago and has been one of the classes I actually wanted to take. Like most Desis (by the way, for those that don't know, the term Desi refers to a person that is from or has links to Southeast Asia i.e. India, Pakistan, & Bangladesh) I too have big dreams (and want to do it all), but the dreams are nonetheless surrounded by certain boundaries that I must remain within. So to do something BIG on my part translates to being my own boss. 
social media

Going back to the WHY I am blogging - well, here we are, I'm in my last semester, Marketing on the Internet is offered in the Online BBA program, it will fulfill my requirements for both my degrees; in return, I will be learning something that I can actually put in to use in the near future. Although I won't lie, I've always thought I could write about my life, turn it into a huge Bollywood blockbuster, and earn my fame that way; don't judge, a girl can dream. I think I have a pretty "filmi" life, but then again, almost any first generation American Desi could fall into this category. 
Keep Calm and Graduate
Oh right, so why am I blogging? Simple, it's for my class. Finally, after all these years, a writing assignment that is truly a creative assignment.  After speaking with my professor, I was able to decide it would be interesting to blog about the Desi lifestyle in South Florida. You can expect to find posts about restaurants, things to see and do, and the happenings all from the perspective of this Desi Girl to say the least. 

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